showrunning consulting & mentoring
Throughout my career, I’ve specialized in transforming creative visions into meaningful outcomes.
Each aspect of my professional journey, from writing and showrunning to teaching and mentoring, has been rooted in a deep commitment to nurturing talent and guiding creative success. My aim is to inspire and develop the next generation of television innovators.
Here’s how I can help.
Free One-Hour Virtual Master Class on Showrunning
Reaching out to teachers and administrators of accredited television and film programs:
Based on class size, experience level, and intended outcomes, I’ll customize an intensive one-hour session via zoom for your students, featuring material from my teaching at USC, UCLA, Harvard, the Sundance Institute, the Writers Guild of America, and other forums in the US and abroad.
For those teaching overseas, my knowledge of comparative models of television comes not only from my experience in England as executive producer on season three of Killing Eve, but also from seminars I’ve conducted for the European Showrunner Programme (Institute of Film, Cologne), the Australian Writers Guild, the Writers Guild of Great Britain, Screen Ireland, Boulevard Des Series (a French co-venture with the Writers Guild Foundation), Oxford Brookes University, and Starlight Media (the largest producer of video content in Kyiv, Ukraine).
If you’re a teacher or administrator interested in knowing more, contact me here and let’s discuss how I might help your students better understand today’s evolving television landscape.
Potential topics include:
The history and development of showrunning
Characteristics of effective showrunners
Managing writers and the writing process
Your right hand and left hand: line producers & director-producers
Editing for showrunners
Notes on notes: giving and receiving
Producing a successful series requires more than skilled creatives; it requires skilled executives. Showrunners thrive when working with execs who know how to speak their language, understanding the dynamic nature of creating episodes, managing writers, and leading a production team. Yet relatively little attention has been paid to giving execs the knowledge they need to excel in these areas. My showrunning consulting services are targeted to fill that gap.
Through customized interaction, I offer a unique opportunity for executives to gain a holistic perspective on showrunners and their world. Drawing upon a wealth of materials developed over a 40-year-career of writing, producing, teaching, and speaking, I work with studios and platforms to engage execs in an active learning environment that will elevate their effectiveness, versatility, and confidence when working with showrunners and the creative process.
In our consulting sessions, you'll receive:
A tailored program of presentations on how to understand and deal effectively with showrunners.
Practical case method exercises drawn from real-life situations that will hone analytical, communication, and managerial skills.
Emphasis on giving notes at differing stages of the script and production process.
Ample opportunity for Q&A; “Everything you always wanted to know about showrunning but were afraid to ask.”
Whether you’re a creative writing group, academic institution, or corporation, I offer a variety of workshops on topics ranging from script development to showrunning to creative management, delivered in person or via Zoom.
The benefit of a long career is that I’ve had the good fortune to work on over a dozen series, create the Writers Guild of America’s Showrunner Training Program, teach at USC, UCLA, Harvard, and elsewhere, lead workshops for the Sundance Institute and international writers organizations, and speak at conferences around the world. As a result, I have a wealth of material to draw upon to customize a program to fit your specific needs. If you’re interested, let’s talk.
Specifically, my workshops include:
Engaging keynote presentations on a variety of topics that can be customized to your organization’s specifications.
Group exercises using the case method, presenting participants with problems based on real-life situations..
Ample opportunity for Q&A, ensuring that participants get the information they’re looking for.
As a seasoned educator and keynote speaker, I provide talks from 30 minutes to an hour or more on a variety of topics related to the television industry in particular and creative management in general.
Television is my long suit, naturally, but what I’ve learned over the years about leadership, creativity, and productivity applies well beyond the confines of popular entertainment.
Specifically, my speaking can cover:
Disasters I Have Known: learning from our mistakes.
All About Bosses——the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Adventures in Leadership: assembling and leading a creative team.
Understanding Television Today: how to make sense of today’s bewildering landscape.
The Center Does Not Hold: the fragmentation of mass media and its implications for society.